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  • Writer's picturePayvand Menhadji

Management of the Worn Dentition - ACE Course

A couple weeks ago I went on a fantastic course hosted by Advanced Centre of Excellence (ACE). This particular course was designed to help practitioners understand Toothwear and taught us very practical steps on how to manage and treat it.

The session was led by the clinical director, Kushal Gadhia who is also a consultant and honorary Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital. He specialises in Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry with an interest in Dental Implants.

Hit Parmar, was teaching alongside Kushal. Hit is one of his dental technicians who has a bespoke dental laboratory in Birmingham, Fine Art Dental Studio.

Together they explained how they work together in order to construct appliances and prosthodontic work that is perfect for the patient.

What did the course cover?

  • Aetiology of toothwear and how to spot it.

  • Tips in Diagnosis- where crown lengthening may be a useful option.

  • Using Michigan and Tanner appliances before and after treatment.

  • How to discuss toothwear in a consultation - often patients never see it as an issue, especially as usually asymptomatic.

  • Material choices- provisional restorations, when to use composite build ups over indirect materials, Zirconia, Emax vs Metal Ceramic Crowns

  • Cementation choice for indirect restorations

  • How long do the restorations last

  • Occlusion - this ties in very well with the Occlusion Course by ACE.

  • Conformative vs Re-organised approaches

  • Changing the OVD - Dahl concept and Full Mouth Rehabilitation

  • Assessing occlusion on articulated diagnostic wax ups

  • How to undertake mock try-ins using wax ups: design of stents

  • Refining wax ups and mock try ins before fabricating definitives

What do you get on the course?

Lecture handouts and folders

Quality assured CPD hours

A simplified approach to understanding and applying advanced clinical cases in your practice

Opportunities to network and learn from your peers

Refreshments and hot lunch

Hands-on practical sessions each day

Unlimited advice and ongoing mentoring for all our delegates

How much was the course?

Course Fee is £250.00

7 hours CPD

I'm only an FD/DCT, will it be useful?

There were a number of FD and DCT level dentists who all hugely benefited from the course. The course is designed to break down what appears to be very complicated and advanced dentistry into easier, very feasible procedures which will hugely benefit our patients.

The course showed me that managing toothwear is not as complicated as it appears and gave me the confidence to take on these cases.

What was the best thing about the course?

The best thing about the course for me is the fact that once you attend an ACE course you become a member of their alumni. This means you will be added to a group where you will get unlimited amount of support from alumni members and the ACE dentists, including Kushal.

They encourage members to post their own cases and spark discussion so everyone can learn from one another and discuss what one might do differently.

Therefore, as soon as you attend the course you are encouraged to make use of the new knowledge you have and share it with peers.

Overall I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to understand how to tackle managing easy and difficult toothwear cases.

For more information visit:

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